Digital dentistry (dexis and trios)


Leading Edge Comfort

Traditional x-rays have been an invaluable diagnostic tool since they were discovered in the 19th century, yet by modern standards, there’s no doubt they have their limitations. Now, with our DEXIS®  advanced imaging technology we can offer you diagnostic services that are more efficient, more accurate, safer, and more comfortable for you!

Here are some of the great benefits of going digital with DEXIS…

  • Reduced radiation exposure – a fraction of what it used to be
  • No exposure to film or chemicals and no need for disposal solutions
  • Sharp, high-resolution images for improved diagnostics
  • No wait time for imaging
  • Chairside monitor images to help increase your understanding
  • Easily transferable digital images for storage and speedy insurance processing.

Dentistry is advancing in leaps and bounds and we are totally committed to investing in the latest technology to provide you with the highest standard of dentistry. Technologies that once filled a room have been reduced to streamlined devices that are more efficient, patient-friendly and superior to their original counterparts. We know that you will appreciate and enjoy the experience of our advanced technology.


Digital Scanning: Not just for crowns and bridges. Digital “impressions” are more comfortable for patients, faster for the dental team, and are able to produce highly accurate images that contribute to restorations that seat easily and quickly. All this without the need for a plastic tray filled with foul tasting impression material.